Alexandra Keleti Discusses Big Data and Data Visualization From an Accounting Perspective

Alexandra Keleti Kansas
2 min readAug 31, 2021

LEAWOOD, KS / ACCESSWIRE / August 13, 2021 / Alexandra Keleti was able to shed some light on how big data and data visualization can shape our accounting practices.

Alexandra Keleti said that we need to be more rigorous in how we approach our data interpretations saying: “Did the data really show us this? Or did these results simply make us feel more successful?”

Alexandra Keleti highlights the importance of design when it comes to visualizing data. The aesthetics of data visualization can help us to better interpret the data and quickly spot irregularities in the information. Alexandra Keleti lets us know that the easier it is to spot irregularities, the quicker your team can get to addressing them.

The term big data is relatively new in the world of accounting. Alexandra Keleti pointed out that the “big” in big data can change depending on the size of the accounting firm. Big data can be in just a few terabytes of information or countless terabytes of data.

There are several tools that Alexandra Keleti uses to handle her data visualization. SQL, Alteryx, and Microsoft’s Power BI are three of the most common data visualization tools used by accountants.

Alexandra Keleti gave a powerful reminder to accountants as well as local businesses by saying that we should never blame our audiences for misinterpreting our data.

It’s difficult to tell stories using numbers and raw information. We need to make sure we are accurately and clearly presenting our data to stakeholders and audience members alike. If something isn’t working out with how our data is being represented, we need to go back to the basics and find out how we can better communicate our information.

Alexandra Keleti suggested that individuals who wanted to know more about data visualization check out ‘Avoiding Data Pitfalls’ by Ben Jones and ‘Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals’ by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic.

These two books can help guide individuals through avoiding some of the common mistakes of data visualization as well as improving their story-telling skills using nothing but the data and numbers they have.

Alexandra Keleti is a Master’s student at the University of Kansas studying accounting and assurance. She has completed a prestigious internship with Sprint during their merger with T-Mobile. Alexandra Keleti is working towards becoming a recognized and respected CPA in her community.


Caroline Hunter
Web Presence, LLC

SOURCE: Alexandra Keleti

Originally published at



Alexandra Keleti Kansas

"Grew up in the suburbs of Kansas City. When I was a child, my family fostered in a love for classical music. I also love to volunteer and give back"